Husky Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Husky Get?

How big will my Husky get? Husky growth chart

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As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference to see how your puppy compares to the average.

The chart shows you a Husky’s monthly average weight range during the growing phase. You can also refer to the puppy weight calculator to get an idea of how big your puppy is likely to get.

Husky Growth Chart

Husky growth chart


  • 1 year: 34-58 pounds, 20-24 inches
  • Fully grown males: 45-60 pounds, 21-24 inches
  • Fully grown females: 35-50 pounds, 20-22 inches

Text Transcript of the Husky Growth Chart

Husky – Age Weight Height
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months

1 year
Fully grown males
Fully grown females

8-15 pounds
13-23 pounds
18-30 pounds
21-35 pounds
23-40 pounds
25-43 pounds
28-47 pounds
31-52 pounds
32-55 pounds
33-58 pounds

34-58 pounds
45-60 pounds
35-50 pounds


20-24 inches
21-24 inches
20-22 inches

About Huskies

Characterized as loyal, outgoing, and mischievous, the Siberian Husky is a thickly coated, compact sled dog. Bred to work in packs pulling light loads over vast frozen expanses, they’re high-energy, friendly dogs that can make exceptional companions as long as you’re ready for action!

The Chukchi people in Asia are credited with originating the breed. They kept the dogs as companion animals for their families and as endurance sled dogs. In the early 1900s, the Siberian Husky gained popularity in the west after “legendary musher Leonhard Seppala led a relay of them 658 miles in only five days to rush a lifesaving serum to Nome, Alaska, where an epidemic of diphtheria had broken out,” according to the American Kennel Club (AKC).1

Today, Huskies are prized for their beauty, intelligence, athleticism, and friendliness with people and other dogs. If you have a new Husky puppy, you can look forward to an affectionate and good-natured pal. Do make sure, however, that you have a stout enclosure ready, as Huskies are known to be escape artists. They also can’t resist chasing small animals, so they need a secure yard and daily exercise.2

What Are the Growth Stages of a Siberian Husky?

Huskies are medium-sized dogs that reach their full height and weight at about 1.5 years old. Until that time, they’ll go through a variety of growth stages, during which they’ll reach developmental milestones on their way to becoming adults.

Birth to 3 Months

A puppy experiences its most rapid growth during its first couple of weeks of life. By two months of age, she’s ready to be weaned off her mother and added to your family. This is the time to make an appointment with your vet for her first vaccinations and to start with very basic training, which consists mainly of daily interaction with the people in your household, and housetraining.

3 Months to 4 Months

At three months of age, your Husky will start to show some signs of her future personality. She’ll be more active and will eat a lot, though she may back off her food a bit when her teeth are coming in. Make sure she has lots of chew toys available! She’ll weigh between 13-20 pounds and will stand about 10-12 inches tall. (Males will be a little bit bigger.)

4 Months to 5 Months

By four months of age, your Husky will start taking on more adult dog characteristics. She’s likely to have a voracious appetite, so it’s important to feed her a well-balanced diet. She’ll be a lot more playful so games like fetch and daily walks are a must. This is also the time to get serious about obedience training. Huskies need a lot of structure, so you may want to consider joining a puppy kindergarten class in your area.

5 Months to 7 Months

Between five and six months, your Husky may take on a more lanky, awkward stage, entering her adolescent time. She will be ready for a lot of exercise, but be careful as lots of running on the pavement could harm her developing bones. Stick to games, yard play, and walks on softer surfaces, such as in the park. Keep a firm and consistent routine going to help her learn discipline and structure.

7 Months to 9 Months

Through the seventh and eighth months, your Husky should settle into her day-to-day life with you. She will be closer to her adult height and weight and can be taken on walks of up to 45 minutes a day. She will still retain her mischievous nature, so remain consistent and positive in your training.

9 Months to 1 Year

By nine months, your dog is likely to begin behaving more maturely, though Huskies remain rambunctious and playful. Give your pal lots of toys to play with and keep her mentally and physically stimulated to avoid bad behaviors. Between ten and eleven months, the growth rate will slow, though your dog is likely to continue filling out until she’s about 18 months old.

Provide Proper Nutrition for Your Husky

Picture of a Husky eating

At all stages of growth, your Husky needs the appropriate nutrition for optimal health. Feed a high-quality dog food appropriate for his age. Avoid “food for all life stages” types, as these may lack some of the nutrients your puppy needs. Protein should be the top ingredient—something that comes from meat like beef, chicken, or turkey.

Avoid byproducts like “chicken byproduct meal” or mystery meats like “meat meal.”  You can add in some raw meat if you like.

Fats are essential for your Husky puppy, as they help maintain healthy skin and coat, nervous system function, vitamin transport, hormone production, and energy. Carbohydrates are needed in general, but at a higher level if your dog is active.

Then make sure that your food has the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

A mix of dry and wet food is often considered best for a Husky. The wet food gives him some much-needed moisture, while the dry food helps keep his teeth clean. The amount of food depends on your dog’s age, size, and activity level.

Working dogs will require more calories and more protein, specifically during the winter if they are hauling sleds. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, and if you have questions about your puppy’s weight gain, talk to your veterinarian.

A consistent feeding schedule is important for your Husky. While he’s growing, split up his feedings to at least three a day, and never feed right before or after exercising.

Wait at least two hours so he won’t be exercising on a full stomach. Feeding too closely to exercise increases the risk of digestive issues, including gastric torsion, when the stomach twists and bloats dangerously.3

Avoid feeding table scraps, as well, as they can cause digestive upset. Cooked bones from chicken, turkey, and pork are dangerous as they can potentially splinter and injure your dog. Give only medium-length beef marrow bones. Safe treats for your husky include apple and banana pieces and treats made specifically for dogs.

Another thing Husky owners notice is that their dogs may not finish their bowl of food, or may not be interested in eating at all. Unlike most dogs that will eat whatever is put in front of them, Huskies are more self-regulating and may eat just enough to match their daily activity.4

Huskies can also get bored if you leave food down all the time, so it’s best to have specific feeding times, after which you remove the food until the next feeding time.

That doesn’t mean your dog will never get too heavy, however. Overweight and obesity in puppies can lead to health problems later in life. A good rule of thumb is to feed puppy-specific foods until your pup reaches full growth, which is usually around 12 months of age. At that point, switch to adult dog food to avoid giving your Husky too many calories. You can also drop the number of feedings to two per day.

Check for ideal weight by examining the ribs and waist. You should be able to easily feel but not see the ribs and note a well-proportioned waist when looking at your dog from the top. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) offers some helpful illustrations of proper body condition.

How Big Do Huskies Get?

Picture of a full grown and puppy Husky

Your Husky will likely grow to reach the figures represented above. If your puppy is less than a year old, he is still growing and you can expect him to get close to 45-60 pounds. (Females are usually a little smaller.)

If you purchased your Husky from a breeder, ask them for information about his parents. Genetics play a big role in your dog’s final size, and you can tell a lot by what the parents looked like.

There are a few other ways to get an estimate on how big your Husky may get:

  • Gender: As with many other animals, males are typically larger than females.5 Whereas females can weigh between 35-50 pounds, a male can weigh between 45-60 pounds.
  • Age: Try dividing your puppy’s current weight by her age in weeks. Then multiply that number by 52. That will give you a rough estimate of what your dog might weigh when he reaches one year old.6 The best time to check your pup with this formula is 16 weeks.
  • Paw size: If your puppy’s paws look big for the rest of his body, he likely still has a lot of growing to do, and will eventually grow into those paws.

Some Huskies may be larger than others because of the way they were bred. Those bred specifically for pulling sleds may be larger than those bred to be family pets.

You can also use our puppy size predictor to find out how big your puppy might get as an adult. Or, if you want to see the growth rates of other dogs, we’ve also created a Golden Retriever size chartGreat Dane growth chartChihuahua size chart, and Labrador growth chart.

When Do Huskies Stop Growing?

Huskies usually reach their full adult height at one year old. They will also be close to their full weight at that time, but as they continue to develop muscles, they are likely to put on a few more pounds until they reach about 15-18 months of age. Males typically take longer than females to reach their final weight.

Your dog will also be more mature by a year old, but may still be growing mentally as well until about three years of age. It’s important to keep training during these early years to cement proper behavior and establish your healthy home routine.

Things That Affect Growth

The good news is that according to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Siberian Husky is a relatively healthy breed. Responsible breeders screen for one common problem which includes juvenile cataracts. Regular eye exams are important every year, as huskies are also at risk for other eye defects like corneal dystrophy and progressive retinal atrophy.

Like many bigger working dogs, Huskies can be vulnerable to hip dysplasia and other joint issues, so it’s wise to make sure your puppy is screened for these as well. Then be sure to be gentle with exercise until your dog reaches one year of age.

Some health issues that may affect your puppy’s growth. These include the following:

1. Zinc-responsive-dermatosis

This is a condition in which the dog can’t absorb the zinc from his diet properly. This can lead to a zinc deficiency, which can cause itchy, dry coats, stunted growth, diarrhea, and increased infections. Huskies are more vulnerable to this issue than most dog breeds. Treatment includes a change in diet and zinc supplementation.

2. Follicular Dysplasia

Also common in Huskies, this condition may affect them between 3-4 months of age. It can cause abnormal hair growth, hair loss, or patchy, infectious skin. There is currently no treatment, though veterinarians usually recommend specific shampoos and topical applications.

3. Hypothyroidism

This refers to a malfunction in the thyroid gland, which produces certain hormones. A Husky with this condition is likely to gain too much weight, even when eating a normal or less-than-normal amount. Other symptoms include lethargy and increased sleep. Check with your veterinarian for treatments.

4. Spaying/Neutering

Unless you’re planning on breeding your puppy, it’s best to spay or neuter them. Doing it too early, however, can negatively affect your dog’s growth. It increases the total length of time that bones grow, which can result in a taller dog while messing up the way the dog’s joints align. Consequences include joint pain and arthritis later in life. Check with your veterinarian on the best time to spay or neuter your dog.

5. Over or Under Eating

Huskies are known to be picky eaters. If your Husky isn’t eating enough while she’s growing, she may not meet her growth milestones and could be suffering from malnutrition. Talk to your vet about solutions, which usually include changing up your dog’s diet.

Overfeeding is less likely in Huskies, but it’s still possible if your dog likes to eat. Puppies need a lot of nutrition, but if your dog is getting too big too fast, use caution, as this could put extra strain on his bones and joints.

Husky Weight Calculator

What’s your puppy’s breed

What’s your puppy’s weight

What’s your puppy’s birth date?

What’s your puppy’s gender

Frequently Asked Questions

How big should a 6-month-old Husky be?

At six months old, a male Husky will range from 30-40 pounds and 15-19 inches. A female Husky will range from 23-33 pounds and 14-16 inches.

How can I tell how big my Husky will get?

Paw size can be a helpful predictor of how big your Husky puppy will get. The size of the pup’s parents is also a good indicator, as is its gender. You can use our puppy weight calculator above to get an estimate or try this formula when your dog is around 16 weeks old.

(Current weight/Age in weeks) x 52.

At what age is a Husky full-grown?

Most Huskies have reached their adult height at one year of age. They may continue to fill out after that, gaining a few more pounds. Females will reach their final size at around 15 months, while males may take up to 18 months.

How big is a 7-month-old Husky?

A seventh-month-old male Husky will range from 33-43 pounds and stand 15-19 inches high at the shoulder. A female will weigh between 25-38 pounds and stand 14-16 inches high.

At what age do Huskies calm down?

It takes a while for your Husky to grow out of the excitable puppy stage and move into the more mature dog stage. Your dog may start to act more like an adult at one year of age, but many Huskies continue to be more puppy-like until they reach 2-3 years of age.

It is important to realize that even adult Huskies can have a hyper temperament. Built to be working dogs, they are not well suited for sitting around all day. The best approach is to provide daily exercise and rigorous behavioral training.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more information about dog growth in general, we’ve created a puppy weight calculator, an in-depth guide to how heavy your dog should be, and a series of growth charts for different breeds (and dogs and mixed breeds in general):

Article Sources

Pet News Daily uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Siberian husky dog breed information. (n.d.). American Kennel Club.
  2. Siberian husky. (2011, January 19). DogTime.
  3. What should I feed my husky? | Husky diet | Forever husky. (2022, June 23). Forever Husky.
  4. Siberian husky appropriate diet. (n.d.). Waiting for the redirectiron…
  5. Staff, A. (2017, May 11). Breed weight chart – American Kennel Club. American Kennel Club.
  6. Puppy growth: What you need to know. (n.d.). Bond Vet.
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