Picture of a dog with a front clip dog harness.

The Best Front Clip Dog Harness

A front clip dog harness can be a great tool for training and walking your dog without putting its trachea at risk. The wrong harness, however, can cause all sorts of issues for you and your dog: A front-clip harness that doesn’t fit properly can allow your dog to escape and run away, run into […]

Dogs in backseat of car on a dog car seat cover

The Best Dog Car Seat Covers

Dog car seat covers are a great way to protect your car’s interior from damage and messes that can result from transporting your dog in your car. Taking your dog on adventures is so much fun and sometimes we have to transport our dog places, like to the vet. Unfortunately, between mud, claws, hair, and […]

A picture of a dog in a playpen - which is the best one?

The Best Dog Playpen

When your pup can’t be trusted with a free rein in your home or yard, then you definitely need to consider a dog playpen. For travel, for times away from the house, or for Houdini dogs who you can’t take your eyes off for a second – a playpen can save you and your pup […]

Picture of a dog with a collar on

The Best Dog Collars

I get pretty stressed buying most things for my dog. When he was a new puppy I was constantly researching trying to figure out the best products for him. There are a lot of important considerations! If you’re looking for a dog collar, you need to consider: Sizing for your dog’s comfort (and so they […]

Dog snuggled wrapped in a blanket on a bed

The Best Dog Blankets

Are you looking for the best dog blankets? Whether you want a spare blanket to keep in the car, a blanket for your sofa, or simply an extra blanket for your dog’s bed, there are loads of different options available. Our vet advisor, Dr. Danielle Morosco, has selected the very best dog blankets out there […]

pets and the metaverse

Pets and The Metaverse (Infographic)

With all of this talk about the metaverse, let’s put first things first and properly define all of the technologies that go into it. The metaverse is the convergence of technologies and human interaction that includes VR, AR, avatars, video games, NFTs, and much more. And what’s a better friend of humanity than pets? That’s right, […]

Veterinarian typing on a laptop in the office

50 Best Veterinarian Blogs to Learn About Pet Care & Veterinary Medicine

From the individual veterinarian to veterinary hospitals to organizations made up of vet-care professionals, veterinarian blogs run the gamut of content for pet owners to advanced content for veterinarians to business and marketing strategies for the veterinary practice. With all that’s out there, we launched a search for 50 of the best veterinarian blogs. Divided […]

Husky puppy on scale being weighed

Puppy Weight Calculator: Height and Weight Predictions for Every Breed (with Chart)

Our puppy weight calculator determines how big your puppy will be when it becomes an adult dog. The calculator was built by a data scientist to ensure the results will be as accurate as possible, and approved by our team of veterinarians. All the calculations are based on The American Kennel Club’s database of adult […]

About Pet News Daily

Pet News Daily® is a free resource for pet lovers, with everything from in-depth product reviews to expert pet care advice from our team of experienced veterinarians. Learn More About Pet News Daily Our Editorial Policy and Product Review Process Society for Professional Journalists BBB Accreditation Our Experts How We’re Supported Our Editorial Policy and […]

How big will my Rottweiler get? Rottweiler growth chart

Rottweiler Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Rottweiler Get?

If you recently brought home a Rottweiler puppy, there’s one thing you know: It’s going to get big! Just how big will your puppy be when he’s full-grown? We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Rottweiler […]

How big will my Pitbull get? Pitbull growth chart

Pit Bull Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Pit Bull Get?

We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient pit bull growth chart. You can use this as a reference to see how your puppy compares to the average. The chart shows you a pit bull’s monthly average […]

How big will my Australian Shepherd get? Australian Shepherd growth chart

Australian Shepherd Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Australian Shepherd Get?

Most Aussies are medium-sized dogs, but when you get your new puppy, you may wonder how big he or she will get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this […]

How big will my Great Pyrenees get? Great Pyrenees growth chart

Great Pyrenees Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Great Pyrenees Get?

If you’re the proud owner of a new Great Pyrenees puppy, you know he’s going to get big. The question is: just how big? We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Great Pyrenees growth chart. You […]

How big will your Standard Poodle get? Standard Poodle Growth Chart

Standard Poodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Standard Poodle Get?

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

How big will your Bernedoodle get?

Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get?

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart—You can use this as a reference to […]

How big will my Husky get? Husky growth chart

Husky Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Husky Get?

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

How big do German Shepherds get? German Shepherd growth chart

German Shepherd Growth Chart: How Big Will Your German Shepherd Get?

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

B-Air Grizzly Dryer front view

B-Air Grizzly Dryer Review

If you’re a pup parent, you know what it’s like to dry your dog after a good bath or soaking. It seems as though towels are never quite up to the task and air-drying only results in a soggy doggy and water being shaken against the walls and furniture. We review a lot of different […]

Picture of a Golden Retriever - how much do golden retrievers weigh?

How Much Does a Golden Retriever Weigh?

I had a Golden Retriever named Flash as a kid. She was incredibly sweet and loyal, and she grew to be a big dog. If you’re researching a Golden Retriever to bring home, or if you have a Golden at home already and need answers to questions like what size dog crate to buy or how heavy […]

how much does a labrador retriever weigh

How Much Does a Labrador Retriever Weigh?

If you’re researching a Labrador retriever to bring home, or if you have a Lab at home already and need answers to questions like what size dog crate to buy or how heavy you dog should be, you’ll want to know how big (and particularly how tall) they get at different stages of life (particularly how […]

Image of a chihuaha - this post details how much they weigh

How Much Does a Chihuahua Weigh?

If you’re researching a Chihuaha to bring home, or if you have a Chihuaha and need answers to questions like what size dog crate you should buy or whether your dog is too heavy, you’ll want to know how big they get at different stages of life (particularly how much they’ll weigh and how tall they’ll […]

Image of a Great Dane - how much do they weigh?

How Much Do Great Danes Weigh?

If you’re researching a Great Dane to take home, or if you have a Great Dane and are trying to figure out things like what size dog crate to buy or if your dog is the right weight, you’ll want to know how big they get at different stages of life (particularly how much they’ll […]

GM Pets Self Cleaning Grooming Brush

GM Pets Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush Review of 2022: Pros, Cons & Verdict

The right tools help you keep your pet’s coat looking silky, shiny, and healthy. The GM Pets Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush works beautifully on long, thick coats to remove shedding hair and keep tangles from forming.  While it might be too big for the smallest of dogs and cats, overall, it works well at removing hair […]

FURminator Grooming Rake

FURminator Grooming Rake Review

Caring for pets with undercoats poses additional challenges. Without regular grooming with a tool that can penetrate the deeper layers of fur, undercoats are prone to matting. The FURminator Grooming Rake is specifically designed for taking care of undercoats in dogs and cats. It also works well for pets with thick medium to long fur, even […]

Two Great Danes laying side by side outdoors in the sun

Great Dane Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Great Dane Get?

Coined the “Apollo of Dogs,” according to the American Kennel Club, or AKC, the Great Dane is a magnificent giant dog breed, known for its friendly nature and gentle patience. It’s not surprising, though, if the first thing that comes to mind is the sheer size of the breed. The Great Dane growth chart estimates […]

Adult Golden Retriever with a Golden Retriever puppy

Golden Retriever Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Golden Retriever Get?

Forever the fun-loving puppy, the Golden Retriever is a popular breed of dog. Goldens have boundless energy, a constant-wagging tail, and a goofy grin – often with the tongue hanging out. They’re famous for their long golden coat and fluffy tail that’s capable of knocking over just about anything in its path. If you’re thinking […]

Two Chihuahuas sitting in a box

Chihuahua Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Chihuahua Get?

For the smallest breed of dog, the Chihuahua just might have the biggest attitude. Considered a symbol of Mexico, this toy breed is known for exhibiting a large and feisty personality. The Chihuahua is also one of the oldest dog breeds in the Americas, and can make a good family dog, but  preferably with older […]

Black, yellow, and chocolate labrador retrievers standing side by side

Labrador Retriever Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Lab Get?

By far the most popular dog breed, the Labrador Retriever has captured the hearts of Americans for decades. Maybe one has captured yours. Are you adopting or have you already gotten a Labrador puppy? Are you wondering how tall he’ll get? How much your Labrador Retriever will weigh? Our Labrador growth chart gives you an […]

Veterinarian with a dog and cat providing healthcare

The State of Pet Healthcare in 2023 & Beyond: Trends, Stats, and Data

Across the globe, almost 845 million dogs and cats have a home, though dogs are, by far, the most popular non-human family member in the world. More than half of homes in the U.K. and France cater to at least one pet. Just under half of Italian households have a dog or cat, while just […]

are your pets at risk with coronavirus

COVID-19 and Pet Health Safety (with Infographic)

Can your pet die from COVID-19? If you’ve asked yourself this question, you can rest assured you’re in good company. Every month, thousands of pet parents turn to Google to find the answer to this question. They also ask questions like, “Can dogs get COVID?” or “What symptoms of COVID in dogs should I look […]

Picture of vets with an animal

The Best Veterinary Schools in America

At Pet News Daily we take an active interest in pet health, and our team includes a number of veterinarians. We’ve invested a lot in tools and content like our puppy size calculator, our guide to how heavy a dog should be, this comprehensive section on “people” foods dogs can and cannot eat, and our […]

Speaker presenting at a veterinary conference

50 Best Veterinary Conferences of 2022

Here at PND we invest a lot in creating tools and guides to help keep pets healthy. Things like our puppy weight estimator, our guide to the ideal weight for a dog, this comprehensive section on foods your dog should and should not eat, our collection of growth charts (including our popular Goldendoodle growth chart), […]

Which Cities and States Care the Most (and Least) about Their Pets? (Infographic)

Many of us consider our pets to be a part of the family. How could we not…especially when they shower us with so much love and affection? All they ask for in return is that we show them just as much love and care as they do for us. So how do we know if […]

Adult Goldendoodle with a Goldendoodle puppy

Goldendoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Goldendoodle Get?

Bred to be part Golden Retriever and part Poodle, the Goldendoodle is considered a crossbreed or designer breed. They’re bred for three different sizes – miniature, medium, and standard. The Goldendoodle is not, however, a registered dog breed and isn’t recognized by the American Kennel Club, or AKC. But they have gained the love of […]

best pet shops in America

The Best Pet Stores in America

Finding a pet store that carries the supplies you need for your furry, feathered, or scaly family member can be difficult. You want a store that has fair prices, and a staff of caring, knowledgeable experts. You might also have special pet-related needs, like a pet store that caters to exotic creatures or one that […]

Golden retriever puppy sleeping

How To Get A Puppy To Sleep Through The Night

If you’ve just brought your new furry family member home, you might be wondering how to get a puppy to sleep through the night. Having a puppy can be very fun yet exhausting! If you are having trouble getting your puppy to sleep through the night, you are not alone. One of the most challenging […]

German Shepherd with a toy outside

The Best Toys for German Shepherds

Choosing the best toys for German Shepherds might feel tricky. Maybe you’re worried about buying a toy that won’t be rugged enough to stand up to your dog. Perhaps you’ve already purchased a few toys that came highly recommended for dogs … but it seems like they’re sized for a miniature poodle. Our vet advisor, […]

The best German Shepherd harness

The Best German Shepherd Harness

Here at Pet News Daily we have tested and reviewed a ton of dog harnesses. One thing that’s very quickly evident as you look into different types of harnesses is that not every dog harness is good for every kind of breed. Getting a harness that’s wrong for your dog (but may be right for […]

Husky on Harness

The Best Husky Harness

If you’re the pup parent of a husky, you’ll know that these athletic and strong-willed dogs require a little more attention and control than some other breeds, particularly during walks. Husky harnesses are the best option for keeping your dog safe while avoiding injuries to both of you. A well-fitted harness will also give you […]